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Foreign ministers talk about conflict and climate in Stockholm – Radio Sweden in Easy Swedish

Foreign ministers talk about conflict and climate in Stockholm – Radio Sweden in Easy Swedish

Swedish Foreign Minister Anne Linde will host the meeting. say in P1 Morgon It is important that we meet on the ground.

– Only the fact that they meet and talk is significant in itself, then I have no high hopes that you will make some kind of breakthrough.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is an organization of the United Nations that includes 57 countries. These are the countries of Europe, Russia, the United States and Canada, among others. They work together for peace and security.

Sweden is this year’s Chairman of the Board. That is why the foreign ministers meet in Stockholm. Meeting in a large hotel at Arlanda Airport.

Foreign Ministers of Russia and the United States He is with at the same time, for the first time in several years. Now they talked about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. They spoke harsh words and did not agree on anything. This was stated by Foreign Minister Anne Lindh Ecot.

The tone between Russia and the United States is very sharp.

An important issue in the meeting is the climate. Climate change is causing floods, fires and droughts. An example is the Aral Sea in Russia, which is disappearing. There is almost no water left and water shortage is a major problem in the world. There is also a shortage of land for farming. Foreign Secretary Anne Lind says this is leading to more and more conflicts in the world Ecot.

We see now that more and more conflicts stem from climate problems.

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It is hoped that the meeting will be agreed upon on a decision on climate. It is a decision that the OSCE will work on. It must be said that climate problems affect security in the world and lead to conflicts. The meeting ends today.