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Finland closes borders to Russian tourists

Finland closes borders to Russian tourists

During a press conference, the country’s ministers are now reporting on new restrictions on Russian tourists in the country. No Russian tourist may travel to the country or to other Schengen countries with Finland as a transit point.

— Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto told the press conference that the explosions in gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea and the so-called “referendums” in Ukraine precipitated the government’s decision.

The decision now goes into effect early Friday night.

Foreign Minister: Introducing humanitarian visas

As a rule, Russian tourists are denied entry and granted new visas, with some exceptions: those who travel to see their families, work or receive medical care. The government says that on humanitarian grounds or seeking asylum should not be allowed to block individual travelers. Persons who own property in the country will be allowed to carry out the necessary maintenance procedures with a one-time visa.

Those with a residence permit can move, and the possibility to apply for asylum also exists, Home Secretary Christa Mekkonen tells HBL.

The possibility of offering “humanitarian visas” is now being reviewed, but it will take a few months to become operational, according to Foreign Minister Haavisto. However, visas previously granted to Russian citizens may be completely invalidated.

Up to 230 km of fence on the Russian border

Tourists themselves are not seen as a security risk, but it is stated that the basis for the decision is to “secure Finland’s standing and its international relations”. They also wanted to review potential for circumvention of EU flight restrictions and relations with the Baltic states and Poland.

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HBL previously reported that border guards are so heavily employed that they’re considering building one 100 to 230 km long fence against Russia. Such a solution will cost between 100 and 200 million euros.

Ministers at the conference stated that since the beginning of September, visa processing has been restricted, which has already reduced the number of Russian travelers at the border.