On Monday, two parliamentary committees voted by a large majority in favor of halting parts of the aforementioned European Commission rating.
– I am deeply disappointed, says MEP Jessica Boulevard.
The vote to reject part of the designation was a setback for MEPs Jessica Boulevard (M) and Emma Wisner (C).
– Of course I am deeply disappointed. We’ve been clear from the start: The Commission’s proposal will affect Swedish climate action, our energy supply, and our competitiveness. We hoped these are the values all Swedish politicians want to defend, says Jessica Boulevard after losing the vote by 34 to 92.
Jessica Boulevard and Emma Wisner, who introduced the motion, were the only Swedish MPs to vote for it. The proposal was also not approved by Polfjärd and Wiesner’s own party groups, PPE and Renew, but the biggest support came instead from right-wing populist and nationalist groups in parliament ID and ECR.
If the proposal had been voted on by the Committee on Economic and Environmental Affairs, it would have meant that the European Commission You will need to write new rules about which companies can be considered sustainable and therefore relevant to green investments, something the European Portal previously mentioned.
Social Democrat MP Getty Gotland was not surprised by the result, although she herself is partly critical of the classification.
There are parts to criticize, but for a green transition to be possible, a sustainable investment rating system is needed in order to get funding for all the critical initiatives we need to take. Therefore, the decree itself is necessary, says Getty Gotland.
Malin Björk (V) also voted “no” in yesterday’s vote and is pleased that the majority did the same. But he agrees that the classification has its drawbacks.
The current definitions of sustainable investment in the rating are far from perfect, but it is still an important step in the right direction for the European Union to be able to restructure its economy. Now it is important to get the rest of the classification quickly. We have no time to lose when it comes to the survival of the planet, says Malin Björk.
In order to move forward with a proposal for a major vote in the European Parliament, the support of at least 36 members is needed, something Boulevard and Wiesner are considering.
We will analyze the case and see if there is sufficient broad support to take the case to plenary. At the board, the government also has an opportunity to lower the rating, which we at C believe should be done, says Emma Wisner.
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