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EU politicians are demanding better cooperation with the United States

EU politicians are demanding better cooperation with the United States

The European Parliament wants to see a stronger EU-US relationship, not following recent events. “Our interests are not always compatible,” EU Foreign Minister Joseph Borel told parliament, stressing the need for European independence.

The fact that the European Parliament does not regulate EU foreign policy does not preclude it from discussing the need for a new US policy on Tuesday. Given the great opportunity for trade, but comment on the fact that the United States has recently given priority only to its own interests. EU Foreign Representative Joseph Borel therefore stressed the need for greater European independence.

– Our relationship with the United States is undoubtedly a strong pillar of our freedom and prosperity, and we must continue to build on it. But at the same time, we must continue to build our autonomy because our interests do not always coincide, Joseph Borel told parliament.

The US withdrawal from Afghanistan and their new military cooperation with Britain and Australia were created without consulting the EU, which was raised by many participants in the debate, including the Croatian social democrat Tonino Bikula. Reporter To the Parliamentary Proposal.

We must strive for better coordination and consultation between the United States and the European Union to avoid Atlantic pressure. Those who adhered to the ACCUS agreement or those who did not consolidate their integration into Afghanistan, Tonino Bikula said.

The other two events criticized in the proposal were the introduction of digital services and tariffs on steel and aluminum from the EU.

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But despite the criticism, many MEPs said they were optimistic about the future of the relationship, especially thanks to the new US President Joe Biden and Vice President Camila Harris and the new Business and Technology Council launched on Wednesday.

“The United States is the EU’s closest and most important strategic partner,” said Tonino Bicula.