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EU Integration Policy: Regiostars 2021 – Commission announces winners of regional policy

EU Integration Policy: Regiostars 2021 – Commission announces winners of regional policy


The European Commission today announced the recipients of the 2021 Regiostar Awards for Outstanding Integration Policy Programs in the entire EU.

For this year’s registrar contest, 214 applications were registered and 14,156 people voted in the general election.

– A big congratulations to the 10 winners of the EU Integration Policy Plan 2021, says Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner for Integration and Reform. They are a role model for anyone who wants to improve people’s lives with the help of EU funds. I hope they inspire many more across the continent. Thanks to Regiostars, we have seen sophisticated expertise and innovations everywhere in Europe. The important thing is to find them and give them the light they deserve. We will continue to look for them and continue to support them.

The awards include five categories and the public’s choice:

  • For a Smart EU: Increasing Competitiveness for Local Companies in the Digital World (First Class) Award Integration 3D metal printing From Belgium. The project supports the implementation of 3D printing of metal in small and medium enterprises through a highly innovative and integrated strategy for knowledge and technology. This idea is easy to use in other contexts with industrial tradition.
  • To the Green EU: Green and Flexible Urban and Rural Communities (Type II) Awarded Icarus (Gent improves) For a unique financial home renovation system for 100 vulnerable homeowners in Kent, Belgium. The program has strong social components and is easy to use elsewhere (even in less developed areas) and in other fields.
  • Justice EU Award: Actions Against Discrimination and Inclusion (Third Type) Gone Tree – Training for the Integration of Refugees in Eurasia. The program promotes refugee integration through a need-based training program for refugees and persons working with immigrants and a qualification program for social translators. The winners are the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium.
  • Traveling Solidarity Canary Awarded in the fourth category is an Urban EU: Measures to promote green, sustainable and circular diets in functional urban areas. The program provides healthy and reasonable food at reasonable prices throughout the year to disadvantaged groups. At the same time, it contributes to the growth of various industries related to the production, recovery, logistics and marketing of local products, but in terms of unsold products or surplus harvests from grocery stores. The winner is from Belgium.
  • Green Movement in this year’s special theme area: European Railways won the year 2021 (Fifth category) Northwest Multimodal Transportation Center From the United Kingdom and Ireland. The program offers expanded track capability and clear balancing services for cyclists, public transport users and active travelers in London. This encourages the transition from car to public transport.
  • Finally, the choice of the public is made The beginning. The project aims to bring together cities, residents and stakeholders by jointly developing blue and green infrastructure projects in ten cities in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden, Belgium, Norway and Germany. The project aims to reduce the risk of floods by up to 30% and improve living conditions. Other audience favorites Balkan Road (First type), Balthasar (Third type), Digital agricultural expert (Fourth type) and Traffic on request (Fifth category).
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The Regiostars Prizes have been awarded by the Commission every year since 2008. It has become Europe’s standard brand for EU – funded integration policy programs using innovative and inclusive approaches to regional development.

Each year, hundreds of projects compete in five categories: Smart EU, Green EU, Fair EU, Urban EU and this year’s theme. The public can participate by voting for their favorite project in the finalists for the prize in the general election category.

With the help of solutions to common challenges and by seizing the best opportunities, Regiostars has encouraged the regions to pursue a more effective integration policy in the EU.