How are concepts like “white” used in art, literature, and film, and what do the basic processes that control cell...
Title: "the first"author: Marit Verne ("Shadow", "Abalone")I'm looking for an entertaining novel Which is a reasonably quick read that at...
Title: Kings of the worlddirection: Laura Mora OrtegaScript: Maria Camila Arias and Laura Mora OrtegaType: dramadegree: 3 out of 5The...
At the annual event, the Feelgood Festival, readers can vote for their favorites in the “Feelgood...
47% of consumers in Sweden expect their financial situation to deteriorate in the next 12 months. 36% expect it will...
The superhero film "The Flash", with a few exceptions, received low ratings from reviewers.GP's Mats Johnson wrote that the film...
Title: Barbieexit: Greta GerwigScript: Noah Baumbach and Greta Gerwigthe actor: Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, Will Ferrell and othersIt can be...
Actor and businessman Kenny Solomons, 37, married to artist Tess Merkel Solomons, 53, is scheduled to be deported. In July,...
What happens to society when gaps widen and capital decides who belongs to what part?Malmö filmmaker Fredrik Gjerten addressed this...
The American version of "A Man Named Ove" not only attracted large audiences in Sweden and the United States, but...