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Doctors sounded the alarm about a shortage of neurologists

Doctors sounded the alarm about a shortage of neurologists

Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and migraine headaches. Many patients with such diseases pass without care. The nerve wings in the area could not absorb more.

  • Posted at 5:27, September 29, 2022

There are three neurological clinics in Stockholm. According to the region’s waiting time forecast, their waiting time is 10, 25 and 36 weeks, respectively.

When referring health centers there the answer is no. A doctor in Södersjukhuset is now alerting the Health and Welfare Inspectorate, Ivo, about the situation. “Currently, no neurology clinic is accepting referrals,” she wrote.

Emergency hospital departments cannot receive more. Then all that remains is for patients to seek emergency care, she says.


It will only get worse. “50 percent of neurologists in Södersjochhuset have quit because of their high workload. They have an incredibly large flow. And the doctors have 500 college hours they can’t take, and you’ve been asked to,” the report says.

The photo confirms Una Romanitan, Director of the Department of Internal Medicine and Neurology at Souss Hospital. There is a shortage of neurologists across the region, she says, and “almost no neurological outpatient care,” making “patient follow-up deficient.”

Very few coaches

It is well known that there is a shortage of neurologists.

Last year, Karolinska sounded the alarm that they could not supervise enough doctors training to become neurologists. The Medical and Health Care Council then decided that even privately-managed receptionists in the choice of care should receive ST clinicians for training.

But it will take some time before it makes a difference. Training to become a neuroscientist takes six years.

See also  The shortage of neurologists in 14 regions

I have to sit in the emergency room

Kristen Keelen, head of Neuro in Stockholm County, says:

We have fought for better access to neurologists for a long time.

Patients may not see doctors as they should. According to her, it may be worse for those with MS.

– When they have a relapse, they need an emergency intervention, but then they have to go to the emergency room and sit there for hours.