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Do you have dry eyes?  Here are 3 common symptoms

Do you have dry eyes? Here are 3 common symptoms

Did you know that a symptom of dry eyes can be watery? Read more about what dry eyes really mean, what are the most common symptoms and what you can do to beat the problem.

Stinging, burning or running eyes – do you know yourself? Then you may suffer from dry eyes. In fact, many people experience symptoms of dry eyes, but the majority do nothing about it. Here we explain what dry eyes actually cause, common symptoms and which products can help.

What causes dry eyes?

There are many causes of dry eyes, but the primary problem is that the eye’s tear film is not working properly. Often the problem lies in the lack of fat, the so-called sebum, in the eye. 8 in 10 dry eyes sufferers have a lack of lipids in the outer layer of the tear film – which causes moisture to evaporate in the eyes*.

One of the most common causes of dry eyes is constant screen viewing. This screen viewing is becoming more and more popular. When you look at a screen for several hours each day, your eyes easily become dry, because you blink less often than usual and the eyes are not supplied with moisture as they should.

The weather can also be a cause of your symptoms. Half-year winter in Sweden brings cooler weather and drier winds. The weather outside alone is stressful to the eyes, but above all, the temperature differences between indoor and outdoor environments are the biggest cause.

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But how do you get rid of dry eyes, which can be bothersome and harmful? Well, the first step might be to identify the symptoms that occur with dry eyes in particular – so what are they?

3 common symptoms of dry eyes

  1. Burning eyes. A common symptom of dry eyes is a burning sensation in the eyes. You can also feel a burning sensation and may go away temporarily when you close your eyes. But you’re not supposed to feel that way in your eyes, even if you’re sitting in front of the computer or outside in the cold — but it can be a symptom of dry eyes in particular.
  2. watery eyes. Ironically, watery eyes are a typical sign of dry eyes. And this is precisely because of the unstable tear film, often with a lack of fat. Inflammation can then form on the surface of the eye, causing irritation and to compensate, the eye produces more tears – resulting in watery eyes.
  3. pebbles eyes. Also, brave eyes are common if you suffer from dry eyes. The presence of ‘stones’ in the eyes can cause discomfort and rubbing – sometimes making vision blurry at times. Take this seriously and buy an eye product specifically formulated for dry eyes, and you may be able to get rid of the problem.

What can help – and when?

Using the right products, you can get rid of annoying symptoms. Oxyal has a range of different eye products that have one goal: to work against dry eyes.

The Oxyal range contains several products that contain the important moisture and lipid components that an unstable tear film may need, such as Oxyal Triple Action, Oxyal Trehalos Triple Action and Oxyal Triple Action Spray. All three are preservative-free – and Triple Action Oxal Trehalos is especially suitable for contact lens wearers.

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But what is the right product and when? Read more about it here!

For immediate and long-term comfort

Do you feel dry eyes after long hours in front of the TV or computer? Then try the drops Oxial Triple Action When you start to feel burning or run down. Oxyal Triple Action is designed to stay on the surface of the eye to provide an intense moisturizing effect for immediate and long-term relief – great for dry eyes from watching TV.

When your eyes need extra moisture

Are you on your way and starting to feel this burning sensation? Then it’s good to have Oxial Trehalose Triple Action in hand. It can be used at any time during the day to increase hydration and lipids. These eye drops effectively prevent and treat dry eyes and can be used with contact lenses.

When both eyes and eyelids are dry

If you suffer from dry eyes and dry eyelids, this can be done Oxial triple action spray Be your saviour. Laxative eye spray softens and strengthens the three layers of the tear film to improve the softening effect on the surface of the eye. When applied to closed eyes, it provides a refreshing sensation and rapid relief of flaky skin or eye sensitivity.

When you wake up with brave eyes

If you tend to wake up in the morning with gritty eyes, you need a product that works at night. Before going to bed and in the morning, smear your face with a moisturizing cream. You can use the exact same method Oxial Care Eye gel in a similar vein – as a moisturizer at night.

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Oxial Care is a long-wearing moisturizing gel with a refreshing and soothing effect on dry eyes, ideal for use at bedtime.

Click here to read more about Oxial Dry Eye Products!

* 1E.M. Meissner Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment of Dry Eye Disease. Deutsches Ärzteblatt. International 2015; 112: 71-82.

Oxial Trehalos Triple Action can be used with contact lenses. When using Oxyal Triple Action and Oxyal Triple Action Spray, remove contact lenses, apply product and wait about 15 minutes before inserting lenses. Oxyal Triple Action, Oxyal Trehalos Triple Action, and Oxyal Triple Action Spray do not contain preservatives. Oxial Care Gel contains preservatives. Oxial is a medical device. OXY / SE / 202210/0192