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Demonstration against storytime with drag queens in London

Demonstration against storytime with drag queens in London

Protests against track story hour continue in UK Last Saturday, Tate Britain organized a story time with children’s author and drag artist Ida H Dee.

Outside the art museum, according to the BBC, around 30 protesters held signs that read “Don’t drag the kids” and “Leave our kids alone” criticizing the event.

There were also scores of counter-protesters from a group that stands against racism, with placards reading “Låt inte Extrahogern splittra oss” and “Trans right now”.

The police who rushed to the scene said that one person was arrested during the demonstration and no one was injured.

Later, writer and drag artist Ida H Dee took to social media to thank them for all the support Saturday’s three story times could go on without disruption despite the protests outside.

Criticized earlier

This is not the first time Track Story Hour has been criticized in the UK. In the summer of 2022, Storytime was met with several protests in the UK, most recently with former MP and current House of Lords Conservative Emma Nicholson entering the debate.

In an open letter, he described Story Time as “propaganda” and “pure nonsense,” according to The Art newspaper.

Even in Sweden, story time evoked strong emotions and led to criticism, as Kulturniheterna previously reported. Kulturnyheterna special: drag – culture wars from glitter.

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