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Christmas is just around the corner from Force Farm

Christmas is just around the corner from Force Farm

“A Wonderful Christmas” is the third part of the Sophia Yammine series about the Fors farm in Kungsbacka. A warm story about starting over, with snow, love and horses as ingredients. Horse book for adults.

A wonderful birthday by Sophia Yemen

About the book:

Hedvig Brage has always done exactly what was expected. Married to a great young love who also shared her interest in horses, training them and got a job as a riding teacher at a local riding school and gave birth to an adorable daughter, Marta. But it turns out that her husband had an affair and now the ideal life is crumbling.

Suddenly she became divorced and a single mother. But when a message from her childhood friend Madeleine appears, everything changes. Suddenly, Hedvig became part of the Fors Gård business. But with a new job, a new home, and a daughter every two weeks, Hedwig is cruising about her new life.

Maybe old friends can help Hedvig get back on her feet again? Hope for a wonderful Christmas is not yet lost…

Sophia Yamin She is the horse girl who dreamed of becoming a writer and eventually became a well-established figure of happiness who among other things runs the Feelgoodfredag ​​Facebook page with over 7,000 members.

quick Facts:

Title: Christmas party in Halholm

Author: Ruth Kvarnstrom-Jones

Cover: Anna Henrikson

Publication date: 11-09-2021

Isbn: 9789177714392

Anna LevanSales and Marketing Managers

Prentice Publishing started in the fall of 2010 and publishes Swedish and foreign fiction and nonfiction books. Publisher managed by Anna Levan and Christopher Holst. “The idea of ​​Printz Publishing is to publish books that we lack in the bookstore, books of the kind that we call entertainment. “Happiness stories that are easy to access, but also well-written and clever — preferably fun,” Anna and Christopher say. The publisher publishes translations of some of Britain’s greatest authors and among the books are bestselling novels one day by David Nichols and life after you by Jojo Moyes.

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