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Celebrities should be vaccinated in the UK

Celebrities should be vaccinated in the UK

Nadia Hussein has a fantastic recipe for me that doesn’t require any yeast. Instead you use baking powder, though you get something like the famous breads of South Asia. It was tips like these that won Hussein so successful in the ‘All Britain Bags’ contest.

Today, Hussein is a beloved TV chef who has been working with Kababs to create recipes like “Toad in the Hole” and write best-selling books. For those who are not happy, “Todd in the Hole” is a British dish where you cook sausage in a large Yorkshire pudding in the oven.

And Yorkshire pudding With kabobs, instead of sausage, there is nothing to grieve in the multi-cultural UK. (Notice what cultural debate there would have been in Sweden if someone had started “Muslim Herring”). In the UK, people cannot deny these things. That is not to say that the country does not have racist issues.

During epidemics, many of them became particularly clear.

This was clear at the beginning Black Britons and Brits with backgrounds in South Asia have been hard hit by the Govt-19. During the first wave of the virus, black British men were 4.2 times more likely to die from the virus compared to white men of the same age. A study by the British Bureau of Statistics with the Universities of Oxford and the University of Leicester and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine showed that Britons with backgrounds in Bangladesh and Pakistan were “significantly more at risk” of dying from Covit-19.

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In 2020, a picture spread that it would be related to “genetic factors”. However, the difference is that it is known that there were jobs that could not be done from home as there were more jobs for Britons who were primarily ethnic minorities.

Infection was simply high in these groups.

At the same time, it’s huge The British immunization program is having difficulty reaching the British who need the most vaccines. By April 14, 95 percent of white Britons over the age of 60 had been vaccinated. But only 69 per cent of black Britons with backgrounds in South Asia and 85 per cent in the UK.

This caused great controversy. But now the gap is beginning to narrow. For example, vaccinations among minorities in the UK have tripled since February.

Now we have Nadia Hussein again. Like himself, he was one of the celebrities who took part in a successful campaign to reach out to British people with a background in Bangladesh. From her kitchen, Nadia Hussein talked about planning to get vaccinated automatically and told her sister that she had already received it without any side effects.

In the UK with a background in Bangladesh, the total number of vaccine doses has increased fivefold in three months. This is a faster increase than white Britain over the same period.

British Vaccine Minister Nadim Jahawi.

British Vaccine Minister Nadim Jahawi.

Photo: Jeff Gilbert / Shutterstock

Of course, success is not the only thing To do the support of sexy celebrities like Hussein and to do TV commercials with cricket stars and actors. The health service works primarily at the micro level and has health care professionals of the same ethnicity directing contacts with local and religious leaders. They have worked with access to dispel myths about vaccination and vaccinate in large mosques.

However, the whole thing is not easy. Much of the reluctance to participate in the vaccination program is about deep-seated historical experiences. In Pakistan today, for example, the British military conducted profoundly unethical raids on locals in the 1930s and 1940s. Dr. Vin Divakar discussed this at a press conference at 10 Downing Street. “Most of these go back generations,” he noted.

Nadeem Jahawi, the UK’s vaccination minister, said groups of volunteers already operating with low confidence in the UK state were important ambassadors for the vaccine.

Nadeem Jahawi and others in the Conservative government have been criticized for not doing much before.

But now the gap seems to be narrowing.

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