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BoKlok builds 27 climate-smart townhouses in Mölletorp, Karlskrona

BoKlok builds 27 climate-smart townhouses in Mölletorp, Karlskrona

Sustainable materials and solar panels on all roofs are some of BoKlok’s upcoming housing investments in the district. Mölletorp in Karlskrona. BoKlok debuts with a new neighborhood with 27 townhouses. The municipality plans to build a total of 300 houses in this area.

– We build all our houses in wood, which gives a very low climate impact. Also, we build with modern methods in the factory, with minimal waste. This means a home from us is climate smart in more ways than one, while keeping costs down, says BoKlok’s Project Manager Simon Wedborg.

All townhouses get solar panels on their roofs so they can generate their own renewable electricity. Homes also get charging posts for charging electric cars.

– As far as I know, here in Karlskrona we are the first housing developer to install solar cells and charging posts in all the houses in a new construction project. Simon Wedborg says it’s good to help customers on their way to a more sustainable lifestyle and lifestyle, while at the same time reducing their electricity costs.

A security package has been added to make customers feel safe buying a home from BoKlok.

– We understand that buying a home is a big decision, especially in the difficult times we are in right now. Our protection package means, among other things, that the buyer of a BoKlok home does not lose more than SEK 25,000 if you have to cancel the purchase, says Simon Wedborg.

Like all of BoKlok’s homes, the homes are sold through an open random draw, meaning that bidding is excluded throughout the buying process and everyone gets the same chance to buy. If none of the houses ultimately sell, BoKlok buys them so that the condominium association doesn’t suffer financially.

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BoKlok plans to start construction in spring 2023, with an estimated occupancy in spring/summer 2024. The block will be called BoKlok Ofelia. The houses will have 5 rooms of 117 square meters on two levels with a small garden and storage room, as well as a charging point for electric cars in the driveway. There is an outdoor area nearby, walking distance to public transport, grocery store, school and preschool and playgrounds.