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Apple looking to turn around – Touchscreen on the Mac?

Apple looking to turn around – Touchscreen on the Mac?

Apple may launch a touchscreen Macbook Pro in 2025, According to Bloombergwhich would be a complete reversal of Steve Jobs’ view of such technology as “engineeringly awful”.

Engineering teams within Apple are working on putting touchscreens on the company’s Mac computers, Bloomberg reports. It’s a development that’s been grappling with for more than a decade, and it would mean a complete reversal of the company’s orthodoxy.

Founder of Apple Steve Jobs She called the idea of ​​touch screens on laptops “ergonomically awful,” and always said the iPad is a better option if you want a touch interface.

Taking apart the iPad

There must also be concern at Apple that iPad sales will be cannibalized if the company launches touchscreens on its computers.

However, since 2015, Mac computers have outperformed iPads. Regardless, last year Mac computers accounted for 10.2 percent of the company’s revenue with sales of $40.8 billion and growth of 14 percent since 2021. Meanwhile iPads accounted for 7.4 percent of the company’s revenue. sales.

Previously, Apple management was against touch screens

Apple may now be about to overhaul its line of touch screens. The company has had some problems with software designed for iPhones and iPads that are difficult to use on a Mac.

In the past, company management has spoken out strongly against the standard concept on Windows PCs, but when asked about the prospects for Apple’s future turnaround at a conference in October, it replied: craig federighi, Head of Software Engineering, “Who can say that?”

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