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Airlines operating in the United Kingdom call on Boris Johnson to resume flights abroad

Airlines operating in the United Kingdom call on Boris Johnson to resume flights abroad

Avin de British Airways.
Bloomberg News Expansion

Managers of several airlines operating in the United Kingdom – including British Airways (PA), EasyJet and Ryanair – have asked British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to give the green light to international travel next month to boost the UK economy. United.

Representatives from The Sun, BA, EasyJet, Jet2com, Loganer, Ryanair, DUI and Virgin Atlantic wrote a letter to Johnson this Sunday. Go on vacation outside the UK.

“There can be no economic recovery without aircraft. We believe we have the tools to allow a safe and reliable start to the flight in May,” the airlines’ representatives wrote.

“We hope that vaccinated passengers will not be subject to travel restrictions and that (Govt-19) test barriers may be reduced,” they added.

The executive has not made a decision on flights overseas, but has made it clear that it will not be before May 17.

According to the media, these trips will be subject to the “traffic lights” system, in which each country will be listed in red, yellow or green, depending on the risk of infection and the status of vaccinations to those places.

People going to countries marked “green” do not need to be isolated when returning to the UK, but they do do so to an area marked “yellow” while those who go to a place marked “red” must comply. Ten-day solitude in government-appointed hotels. And

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