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A long-term investment in mathematics is a success factor

A long-term investment in mathematics is a success factor

This year, 17 mathematicians will share SEK 28 million in grants within the framework of the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation’s mathematics program. Among other things, they work with mathematical studies of epidemiology, models for random events, and theories for extreme values.

– It is great to see the Foundation’s investments in mathematics bearing fruit through the mathematics programs and Scholars and Fellows programs and the mathematics portion of the WASP program. Sweden has many world-leading environments and now attracts foreign mathematicians as well, says Peter Wallenberg Jr., president of the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.

The foundation’s support for the Institut Mittag-Leffler means the institute has been able to strengthen its position as one of the world’s leading mathematical research institutions, he says.

The Mathematics Program is a long-term investment of the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The project, which has been running since 2014, has contributed greatly to the positive development in Swedish mathematics research. Both younger and more experienced, senior mathematicians are recruited to Sweden. At the same time, young Swedish mathematicians have gained international experience, most of them returning after postgraduate studies abroad to build a career in Sweden.

With this year’s grant, a total of 134 researchers have been awarded since 2014.

The project is a collaboration between the Foundation and King. The Academy of Sciences, which evaluates candidates nominated by universities around Sweden.
– Our members have done a lot of work on this over the years and thus contributed to the success of the project to a very high degree. We see that modern society’s need for mathematical knowledge is very high, so it feels valuable for us to be part of this important investment, says Hans Elekren, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy of Sciences.

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Six researchers receive a master’s degree at universities abroad and are supported for two years after returning to Sweden:

PhD student Robert MasgroveP, Uppsala University (Harvard University, Cambridge, USA)
Doctoral student Clara Gordot, KTH, Stockholm (New York University, USA)
PhD student Eric LindelStockholm University (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Doctoral student Thomas BlomStockholm University (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Doctor Scott MasonKTH, Stockholm (University of Cambridge, Great Britain)
Dr. Mats BylandLund University (University Paris-Saclay, France)

Five researchers receive funding to place a researcher from abroad on a postdoctoral position in Sweden:

Dr. Anna SakovichUppsala University
Professor Kaj NystromUppsala University
Associate Professor Wooshi GoldringStockholm University
Associate Professor Cecilia HolmgrenUppsala University
Professor Axel MalqvistChalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg

Six established researchers from abroad are appointed as visiting professors at Swedish universities (in brackets):

Professor Gianpaolo Scalia TombaUniversitat di Roma do Vergata, Italy (Stockholm University)
Professor Stephen SchwedtUniversität Bonn, Germany (Stockholm University)
Professor Benjamin KlopchHeinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany (Lund University)
Professor Igor Shparlinski, University of New South Wales, Australia (KTH, Stockholm)
Professor Yingta ChengMichigan State University, USA (Uppsala University)
Professor Michael StillmanCornell University, USA (KTH, Stockholm)

Read more about the researchers and their research

About the project

For the years 2014-2029, SEK 650 million for outgoing Swedish postdoctoral fellows and international recruitment of foreign postgraduates and visiting professors to Swedish institutions. The project also includes support of SEK 73 million for the Institute Mittag-Leffler of the Swedish Academy of Sciences, one of the top ten mathematical institutes in the world.

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Contact persons:

Peter Wallenberg Jr. is president of the Nutt and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
08-545 017 80
[email protected]
Hans Elgren, Permanent Secretary, Royal Academy of Sciences
08-673 95 02
[email protected]
Göran Sandberg, Executive Member, Nut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
08-545 017 80
[email protected]

Press Contact:
Eva Nevelius, Press Officer, Royal Academy of Sciences
070-878 67 63
[email protected]