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When do we dare to talk about nationalization?

When do we dare to talk about nationalization?

Until recently, I lived under the idea that Sweden was a real country. Here is the system and order! You can trust the authorities, corruption is weak and matters are handled appropriately. Even abroad, people strongly believe in this.

The epidemic has revealed that Sweden is actually a country where things are slightly different anyway.

Crises often doIt reveals the shortcomings of the community structure that existed there before. It’s like a tide, when you pull it back you can see all the debris that has been thrown into the water. Suddenly a broken, disorganized, hip Sweden appears like hell.

I am not referring to the so-called “Swedish Strategy” now. Instead, the safe and principled image of power conceals a fragmented, disorganized, and fragmented Sweden to the extent that basic functions suffer. Where it is entirely possible to start a private “clinic” that charges its performance False test, Giving clients negative answers even though no analysis was done. Where you may be likely to decide whether or not to get vaccinated, you must register yourself and obtain a bank ID to get an appointment. Where you can go to a health center and discover that you are not sick at all, go to the next center and discover that you may have cancer. When a sick person seeking help is deceived into becoming a corporate customer. Schools make various decisions about homeschooling or not without knowing why.

You often feel like no one has a public picture, and all the cases say different things, and you call a number and you get an answer, another number and you get another.

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It’s like having no command And find out somewhere.

All this, of course, affects confidence in society. The result is that a person develops a suspicious character. You no longer know whether you are getting the right answer or the right treatment. Some will take matters into their own hands, read, get information and order things from the authorities. Others will not be able to do this, which would also be a class problem.

If it were all governmental, much of it would have been avoided. Mock clinics could not start. It was not possible to cheat and deceive to make a profit of tax money with the least diligent effort, the way Kry does.

In several other countries This has now been achieved, and the state has regained control of basic functions.

In December, Britain nationalized the railway. The sale of the railroad was one of Thatcher’s very unpopular recent actions. The result was disastrous, as Ken Loach showed in his film “The Railroad,” and there were many protests. It is now anachronistic that the prefectural government decided to re-nationalize the railways – after the number of passengers fell dramatically due to the epidemic.

Italy has nationalized the airline Alitalia for the same reason.

The Indian Supreme Court is considering a claim to nationalize the entire healthcare sector.

China recently announced Its new policy of “dual trading”, which means that it no longer believes in economic globalization, and wants to move from being export-driven to giving priority to the domestic market.

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Spain decided early in Covid to nationalize healthcare, and now it is also tracking pharmacies, and possibly electricity as well. There is no other option, as they say: the state has to take charge if things are to work. We cannot leave our well-being in anyone’s hands.

But in Sweden, perhaps the most fragmented country in Europe, the issue is taboo.