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8 Pages – Bandy Season Begins

8 Pages – Bandy Season Begins

Villa and Edspin played the final in March of this year. Photo: TT

Friday October 28
First matches played
for this season
At the top of the league in Pandey.

It’s gentlemen
He is the first on board.
Ladies play their first role
Saturday and Sunday matches.

Bandi is like a soccer ball stuck on the ice.
There are eleven players
In every team on the field
And the plan is approx
100 meters
The width is 60 meters.

Bandy is an ancient sport.
Bandy’s first match
that we know
You must have played in 1875
in London in the United Kingdom.

I played Bandi in Sweden
Since the end of the nineteenth century.
In 1902, the world began
The first series in Pandey.
was in Sweden.


    Villa and Edspin played the final in March of this year. Photo: TT


    Edsbyn became Sweden’s men’s champion in 2022. Photo: TT


    Villa from Lidköping became Sweden’s women’s champion in 2022. Photo: TT

  • Bandi SM Final

    Final match at SM in Bande in 1928. IK Göta of Karlstad played against Sirius of Uppsala. Photo: TT

The first Swedish championship
It was played for men in 1907.
The ladies got their own chain in 1970.

Recently, many clubs have
Stop playing Bandy.
One of the reasons is that the climate
Winter has changed
It got warmer than before.

Then it was hard
To arrange the ice to play Bandy.
But since 2003 it has been built
Many ice rinks where possible
To play indoor bandy all year round.

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It was at Edsbyn in Hälsingland
Where was the first hall built.
Today there are 20 ice rinks
In Sweden you can play bandy.

Swedish Championship Finals
In Pandey will be held in March next year.
Not yet clear
Where the finals will be held.

This year’s final was played
At Studenternas IP in Uppsala.
Edspin won there among the men
And the villa of Lidköping among the ladies.

8 pages

This is the team that plays in the top leagues of the country in Pandey.

In the men’s series, these teams play:

  • AIK from Stockholm
  • polnas
  • Broberg from Söderhamn
  • Edspin
  • Friel sauce
  • Grippin from Trollhättan
  • Hammarby from Stockholm
  • Motala
  • Sandviken
  • Sirius of Uppsala
  • Wienersburg
  • Vasteras
  • Finland
  • Villa by Lidkoping

In the Ladies Series, these teams play:

  • AIK from Stockholm
  • KS Bandy from Kungälv
  • Molndal
  • Sandviken
  • Ski island of Vitland
  • Sunvära from Varberg
  • Uppsala
  • Villa by Lidkoping
  • Vasteras