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50 Roman tweezers found in England

50 Roman tweezers found in England

Tweezers were an important part of the Romanians’ extensive hygiene routine, which in addition to hair removal included daily bathing and cleaning the skin with a metal scraper.

Tweezers were used to remove hair, and even unwanted hair in the armpits was removed – which caused pain.

For body hair watchers only

Women aren’t the only ones who love the hairless look. Even men worshiped the soft body, which symbolized distance from wild and untamed savages. A hairless male body was also considered aesthetic.

“Removing body hair is as common for men as it is for women. “Especially in sports like wrestling, where clothing is skimpy, participants are expected to remove all visible body hair,” says Cameron Moffett, who oversees the event. Virogonium carnoviorum.

Hair removal was painful and time-consuming, and wealthy Romans usually had slaves do the work.

Besides tweezers, archaeologists have found ear cleaners, nail picks, perfume bottles, bath oil and cosmetic bottles during excavations at Wroxeter.

The objects can now be viewed in a museum belonging to the excavation.

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