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Young people are attracted to Instagram – widening their butt outward – News (Ecote)

Young people are attracted to Instagram – widening their butt outward – News (Ecote)

– I feel like a little shapeless if I say that, a little flat. She wants some curves to boost her self-confidence, says Sana, who has traveled to Turkey to get her buttocks bigger.

What do you think of the risks?

– I’ve read a lot about it, so it’s a little scary. But it’s a bit like “you only live once”, you have to test yourself.

The process will be a little cheaper In Turkey than if they had made it home, they say, but the main reason why friends choose Turkey and not Sweden is advertising. They say you can follow surgeons on social media, and see before and after photos in a completely different way.

Every fourth person who had plastic surgery in Turkey in 2020 came from another country, according to the International Society of Plastic Surgeons ISAPS.

There are criticisms too Against the so-called beauty tourism and package holidays.

Mark Pacifico, president of the British Society of Plastic Surgeons, says the idea of ​​enjoying a beach holiday after surgery is very scary.

Mark Pacifico believes that flights have risks because patients often meet surgeons close to their procedures, they may have difficulty finding information and getting the right follow-up and sometimes being driven home again near major operations.

Porco Orhan Holmgren She is a London-based lawyer and her law firm has focused in recent years on suing surgeons and hospitals in Turkey when tourists had cosmetic surgery wrongly done.

– I have many cases like this.

– Of course, there are great surgeons in Turkey. But traveling to a country you don’t know, where you write on paper in another language – it’s not worth it, she says.

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