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When the pulse is rapid when infected with the long-term coronavirus |

When the pulse is rapid when infected with the long-term coronavirus |

So far, very little is known about pots as a complication after contracting the virus, but researchers from Lund University and the Karolinska Institute are now describing three cases of Swedish patients diagnosed with pots after contracting the virus, in a study Posted in Journal of the American College of Cardiology – Case Reports.

Utensils (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), is a condition characterized by erectile intolerance, that is, blood circulation in the body cannot adapt to the upright position. It is difficult to determine the causes of the disease. Utensils can be caused by a variety of conditions such as viral or bacterial infections, traumatic events, surgical procedures, and concussions, but they can also occur without any known cause.

Nausea, dizziness, and fainting

Around the world, more and more patients have been examined who, long after being infected with the Covid virus, develop symptoms that match the so-called post-Covid receptacle. Patients who have contracted the Covid-19 virus, but did not require hospital care, attest to severe chronic fatigue, brain fog, elevated heart rate, nausea, and above all dizziness and fainting, and when they get up or stand for a long time.

Daily life can be very difficult for these patients and for those affected, in some cases it may be difficult to return to work, school and a normal home life. Patients are on long-term sick leave and their quality of life is deteriorating. Therefore, it is extremely important for us to learn more about the disease and the mechanisms behind it so that we can also suggest new treatment strategies, says Madeline Johansson, one of the first authors of the case report and a postdoctoral researcher in cardiology at Lund University.

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Women are affected more often

Women seem to be affected more often than men by the long-term virus and pots, and in general, researchers are seeing an increase in the number of individuals who have long-term effects from coronavirus infection. To date, approximately 50-100 patients in Stockholm have been diagnosed with vasculitis following infection with the virus, and 20-30 in Malmö and Lund.

As the number of patients experiencing long-term effects of covid-19 is constantly increasing, it is also important to raise awareness of pots as a potential long-term complication after infection with the Coronavirus, and we need to know more about why this is why says Madeline Johansson, who led the research project with Artur Fedorovsky, a potter expert and associate professor of cardiovascular disease and hypertension at Lund University and chief physician at Skien University Hospital, it is.

The study is a joint project between researchers at Lund University and the Karolinska Institute. Together, they want to shine a spotlight on the mail in the hope that they will be able to make a better diagnosis and provide adequate treatment, and a collaboration like this provides access to more data from patients showing symptoms of post-coronavirus conditions.

Sick for a year after infection with the Covid virus

In the report, the researchers published a regular overview of POTS syndrome in three patient cases that researchers have followed since September 2020. One patient at Skåne University Hospital in Malmö and two patients at Karolinska University Hospital in Solna; Two women, aged 42 and 28, respectively, and one man, aged 37. They were all diagnosed with pots and received both medical and non-medical treatment. The patients did not respond well to their pottery treatment, which is the treatment that works normally, but the three fell ill just over a year after contracting the virus.

Some patients who develop long-term effects after infection with the Covid virus recover, which gives us hope, and others do not get it at all. While we would like to point out that a negative covid-19 test does not exclude a patient being infected with covid-19, we must also interpret the symptoms of POTS with great caution. To start the correct treatment, we need to be able to clarify whether the patient has pots or another diagnosis, says Artur Fedorovsky.

We need to know more about the mechanisms behind them to provide a more targeted drug treatment. More studies are needed with a larger patient base, which we will soon conduct with our research colleagues in Stockholm.

POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) is a complex disease that affects the body in many different ways. Among other things, standing intolerance, dizziness, palpitations, brain fatigue, tendency to faint and poor fitness. Symptoms can also arise from various places in the body where the autonomic nervous system is involved.

Both men and women, as well as children, can be affected, although women are clearly overrepresented. Recent research indicates that Pots is an autoimmune disease, which means that the immune system turns against his body. The antibodies that are usually supposed to protect against infection can start attacking various organs in the body.

There is no cure for utensils, but treatment aims to relieve symptoms with various medical and non-medical treatments, including heart-regulating medications and pseudo-exercises.

It is estimated that just over one to three million people in the United States have pots. There are no corresponding Swedish figures available yet.

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Source: Riksförbundet Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Artur Fedorowski, article Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome: clinical presentation, etiology and management) Wiley Library Online.

Scientific material:

Long-term symptoms emerge after COVID-19 as a variant of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome: the Swedish experience. The Journal of American College of Cardiology Case Reports (JACC Case Reports) .


Artur Fedorowski, Senior Physician at Skien University Hospital in Malmö and Associate Professor of Cardiovascular Diseases and Hypertension at Lund University,
Madeline Johansson, MD, Skien University Hospital in Malmö and Postdoctoral Researcher in Cardiology at Lund University,

The article was first published on the Lund University website.