We are pleased to announce that Elie Ahmed Oets’ upcoming novel, Summer when the cat movede, will be published by Printz Publishing in May next year.
Eli Aumann Oates previously wrote eight books in the novel building Söderbergasviten, there pen friends 2nd place in the book of the year 2020. the summer When the cat moved It is an independent complement of pen friends.
Jennifer Lindstrom, Publisher at Printz on Ellie’s authorship:
– Ellie’s look and feel for the countryside and its people is authentic, warm and much appreciated. Here we meet people who feel real, in one Unromantic environment. I am so happy to have the opportunity now To work with Ellie with Anna and Christopher.
– Joy, warmth and a bubble party spirit reign around Printz publishers, authors and books. I’m really looking forward to being part of that gangEli says.
Once again, a warm welcome to Printz Eli!
Greetings Jennifer, Anna and Christopher
Anna LevanSales and Marketing Managers
Prentice Publishing started in the fall of 2010 and publishes Swedish and foreign fiction and nonfiction books. Publisher managed by Anna Levan and Christopher Holst. “The idea of Printz Publishing is to publish books that we lack in the bookstore, books of the kind that we call entertainment. “The feel-good stories that are easy to access, but also well-written and witty—preferably fun,” Anna and Christopher say. The publisher publishes translations of some of Britain’s greatest authors and among the books are bestselling novels one day by David Nichols and life after you by Jojo Moyes.
Since 2018, Printz Publishing has been part of the Norstedt Publishing Group.
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