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Ultimately, CD Projekt believes Cyberpunk 2077 will be considered “very good.”

Ultimately, CD Projekt believes Cyberpunk 2077 will be considered “very good.”

“It will be sold for years.”

Despite all the problems, Adam Kisinski, senior head of the CD Project, believes Cyberpunk 2077 will be the ultimate winner. for polish Republic He claims that celebrities in the game will benefit from it. This is despite a very shaky start – especially on older consoles.

In fact, Kisinski claims it Cyberpunk 2077 movie more ambitious than Witcher 3, And …

…the largest, most ambitious and certainly the most complex project in our 27-year history. In just about every aspect, we’ve tried to go a step further, just as we’ve done with every Witcher game we’ve launched.

He praises how the team created one “big, vibrant, futuristic” A world with Night City. According to Kiciński, the game will serve as its second game, and will sell for years to come.

We believe that in the long run, Cyberpunk 2077 will be considered a very good game, and like our other titles, it will sell for years – especially as hardware gets stronger over time and we improve the game.

When readers rate FZ Cyberpunk 2077 movie In April, 60 percent of you thought the game was as good or better than good. Future corrections are delayed until next year, in other words: continuation follows.

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