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UK government postpones decision on Equinor's wind power project

UK government postpones decision on Equinor's wind power project

The UK government has decided to delay its decision on Equinor's proposal to expand two offshore wind farms, Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon, off the Norfolk coast.

The decision, which was originally scheduled for January 17, 2024, has now been postponed to April 17, 2024. This extension is intended to provide sufficient time for the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero to review additional information and conduct necessary consultations.

Additional information is required

Energy and Climate Protection Minister Claire Coutinho explained:

– I have decided to set a new date of April 17, 2024 for taking this decision. This is to ensure that the Department has sufficient time to consider further information and make necessary recommendations. The decision to set a new date for this application is without prejudice to the decision to grant or refuse development permission.

Partial delay in government work

The decision to delay is part of the government's work on energy security and the ambition to achieve net zero emissions. Equinor's expanded wind farms are intended to contribute to the UK's growing renewable energy resources.

Source: Energy Live News/ UK Department for Energy Security

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