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Three countries issue travel warnings to the UK

Three countries issue travel warnings to the UK

Food company Axfood has announced that it will no longer sell Sour Stromming in 2024.

However, it can still be bought at Ikea.

Customers are now rushing to Ikea stores to buy sour streaming, forcing some stores to introduce restrictions to make it adequate.

This was reported by Swedish Radio.

“We have set a maximum limit”

One of the Ica stores that has noticed great interest is Ica Maxi in Västerås.

Store manager Mans Henningsen explains.

– We have customers at six in the morning who run straight to Surstramming, he tells SR.

– We set a maximum limit of four cans so it lasts longer and we don't want it to be bunkered. It ends at once.

Oxfood is discontinuing sales

Axfood has announced that it will stop selling Sour Storming in 2024 after receiving a red light from the WWF.

– In WWF's latest Fish Guide, which annually updates recommendations on which fish to eat and which to avoid, red light is given to herring/flounder from the Baltic Sea. This means the species is considered endangered and should be avoided altogether, explains Oxfoot.

– Although small-scale fishing is not a major problem, the biomass of the stock is low and measures must be taken.

– Oxfood stores will not sell sour stroming in the 2024 season and various sustainable solutions are now being reviewed to provide sour stroming in the future.

“Don't Allow”

Åsa Domeij, Sustainability Manager at Axfood, continues.

– It should not be allowed for industrial and large-scale fishing trawling and forage production, as it leads to overfishing and therefore destroys opportunities for coastal and small-scale net fishing consumption, for example sour floundering.

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Customers were disappointed

Many customers who shop at Willys, and others, have expressed frustration with the decision.

It's unclear what Oxfood will do with sour streaming after 2024.

Photo: Ica Group, Jessica Cove

Text: Compilers