British-Iranian Nassan’s Jagary-Radcliffe He appeared in the Tehran Revolutionary Court this Sunday to face a new trial on propaganda charges against the country’s theocratic system.
His lawyer, Hoyd Kermane, said the court had given his client “legal protection” before Section 15 and was “more confident that he would be released” because of the evidence provided and the reason he had already worked. Imprisonment for five years. “The test was conducted in a quiet environment in the presence of my client,” the lawyer explained to local media Emtedadnews, Who posted the statements on his Twitter account.
For his part, British Foreign Secretary Dominic Robb called this Sunday.Unacceptable“Iran is moving forward The second is a “completely arbitrary” case. In a statement, the head of British diplomacy, Zachary-Radcliffe, noted the new appearance before Tehran’s Revolutionary Court this Sunday, facing a new trial on propaganda charges against the country’s theocratic organization.
The minister noted that the Iranian government had forced the woman to “deliberately go through a brutal and inhumane trial” and “should be allowed to return to the UK with her family without further delay.” From the London government, Rob promised that they would “continue to do all they can to support it.”
Zakari-Radcliffe is now accused of “campaigning against the organization” for participating in a demonstration in front of the Iranian embassy in London in 2009 during protests against the re-election of radical conservative President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; And giving an interview to the BBC’s Persian service, which was retaliated against by Tehran. EFE
The 42-year-old woman, an employee of the Thomson Reuters Foundation, was arrested during a family visit to Tehran in 2016 and sentenced to five years in prison for crimes against state security. That sentence ended last Sunday, and last year he removed the controlled ankle brace on the phone, which he spent under house arrest like many inmates with the Covit-19 epidemic.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson last Wednesday called on Iranian President Hassan Rohane to immediately release Zachary-Radcliffe. Johnson said “that Although the removal of the ankle brace was welcomed, his continued imprisonment was completely unacceptable and he should be allowed to return to his family in the UK.”.
Zachary-Radcliffe is embroiled in a complicated relationship between London and Tehran that has detained dozens of foreigners or Iranians with dual citizenship, generally accused of spying on other countries and achieving prisoner privileges or exchanges.
When Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlawe bought 1,500 tanks worth 400 400 million, it is actually speculated that he was arrested with more than 40 years of debt owed by the United Kingdom to Iran, which had never been paid.
One week ago, Amnesty International (AI) condemned the investigation, saying today’s investigation was “just another example of Iranian authorities playing horrific political games with Nassan’s life.”
(With information from EFE)
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