The 2.7 kilometer Catesby Tunnel in Northamptonshire was designed for steam trains but has been closed since 1966. Now it has reopened, but not for trains but for racing cars. In this clip, we see driver Andy Priulx driving the car on the spot at around 200 km/h. why? Well, to assess how the car moves through the air, like some kind of rolling wind tunnel.
“Compared to conventional wind tunnels, this is better because it is real. In a moving flat wind tunnel on the ground, the vehicle is stationary and the wind blows over it with a huge fan and flow-conditioning setting, and a belt is arranged in order to move under the vehicle at a consistent speed. It is a very advanced configuration but the vehicle does not Still stationary and that’s a totally unreal piece. Catesby offers the real world without the weather. You have a moving car, real road surface, a controlled environment, and we can run 24 hours a day, whatever the season. It’s the perfect atmosphere 2.7 kilometers of control. This It’s the kind of consistency you need when you’re striving for incremental gains.”
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