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The Leonard Nilsson Award 2021 is presented to Stephen Kshmisner

The Leonard Nilsson Award 2021 is presented to Stephen Kshmisner

Stephen Kshmisner is awarded for his creative and unique work that has implemented new scientific advances and new observations about our existence..

Scientific photographer Stephen Kshmisner is one of the world’s leading microscopic scientists in electron microscopy (SEM) scanning. He holds a degree in Zoology and has been active in the Royal College of Surgeons and Cancer Research in the UK for decades. His technical expertise in microscopy has created the most beautiful images with fantastic richness of details.

Gschmeissner’s large collection of more than 10,000 images testifies to his relentless curiosity and quest for the invisible. Her pictures can be found in thousands of books and magazines in various languages ​​around the world. They are found in textbooks, corporate literature, advertising and exhibitions in science, medicine, fashion, music and the arts, as well as professional and popular scientific publications. The breadth of the images and the consistently high quality make a unique contribution to both science and art.

Stephen Xmisner and his paintings make us realize that nature is more complex and beautiful than it seems at first glance.


The Stephen Kshmisner presents the Leonard Nilsson Award 2021 for his creative and unique work that has implemented new scientific advances and new observations about our existence. As a scientifically responsible photographer who specializes in microscopy, his dedication and in-depth knowledge are paramount to the training of next-generation science and education leaders. This led to many new scientific discoveries in many areas such as tumor biology and neurology. In his long and successful career, he has acted like Leonard Nilsson and meets all the criteria for the award.

The Leonard Nilsson Awards Foundation was established in 1998 to honor world-renowned Swedish photographer Leonard Nilsson for his outstanding and innovative work in photography. The mission of the Foundation is to promote teaching, education and research in the medical, biological and technical sciences. The Foundation’s annual “Leonard Nilsson Prize” is awarded to someone who has contributed in a decisive way to the development of science photography, or to those who have done a significant spiritual work for Leonard Nilsson.

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Contact us for more information:
Stephen Kshmisner
Phone: +44 (0) 7722 919563
Email: [email protected]

Karolinska Institutet It is one of the leading medical universities of life, which promotes the development of knowledge about life and works for better health for all. In Sweden, the Karolinska Institutet plays a major role in medical education research and has the largest volume of medical education. Each year, the Nobel Legislature at the Karolinska Institutes nominates Nobel Laureates for Physiology or Medicine.