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The impact of the Govt on Queen Elizabeth has been confirmed

The impact of the Govt on Queen Elizabeth has been confirmed

According to the court report, the Queen has “mild cold-like symptoms, but will do simple work from Windsor next week,” Reuters reported.

The Queen – who turns 96 in April – will be monitored by doctors and will follow court-issued guidelines. He has received three doses of the Govt vaccine.

His son was Prince Charles Govt spread for the second time recently. He has also been vaccinated three times. According to British media sources, he met the Queen two days ago. Including the BBC. Covila was later confirmed to be Camilla, the wife of Prince Charles.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has congratulated the Queen on Twitter.

“When I want Queen Govt to recover quickly and return quickly with good health, I will speak to everyone,” he writes.

Queen Elizabeth recently completed 70 years of ascending the throne. During the same period, the United Kingdom had 14 Prime Ministers.

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Elizabeth II now celebrates seventy years on the throne – a work victory in obstinacy

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