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The dubious return of 3dfx is said to include Voodoo 6 and speakers

The dubious return of 3dfx is said to include Voodoo 6 and speakers

There’s no mystery that two graphics card gamers are on their way to becoming three, when Intel turns the Xe architecture to occur in gaming-oriented graphics cards. Unconfirmed rumors suggest that a fourth player is stomping in the lobby, in the form of the long-discontinued 3dfx, which was purchased by arch-rival Nvidia after bankruptcy at the turn of the millennium.

Via an unverified Twitter account with the alleged sender 3dfx Interactive, a return and more information was promised in the near future. Yesterday, another post from the same sender claimed that the investment company Jansen Products wants to breathe life into the old brand, which according to the information will be registered and used for graphics cards, televisions and speakers. in a A series of photos of the performances shared on Twitter More details now appear on the plans.

3dfx Q3 4.jfif

3dfx Q3 7.jfif

Perhaps the most striking image is the one that talks about the products in development, with “Voodoo 6 PCI” listed at the top. It is not clear if this is just a name that flirts with the legendary series, but it could also be a product based on old hardware. Still at least the possible alternative is that it’s a joke and that absolutely no product can be expected. The product is said to be ready for “CEC 2022”, which is likely to be “CES 2022” in a misspelled form.

According to the presentation images, graphics cards should make up only 10 percent of the business, of which 90 percent should consist of smartphones, televisions, and audio systems. Perhaps it is this fundamentally different division, compared to the original 3dfx, that basically proves that the brand is indeed making a comeback. There are plenty of products made by OEMs that can be polished with a recognizable name label, something that many companies – large and small – use.

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However, the image material indicates that self-designed products may also be possible. The forecast, which applies according to the headline to the fourth quarter of the year and the first quarter of next year, is that there are more than 600 projects in progress and 300 jobs are pending. The estimated number of customers exceeds 900 thousand, most likely to be attracted by products under development: a 5.1 sound system, a tablet and phone, a TV, a wireless speaker and the said graphics card.

It must be emphasized again that no actual products are shown and that it is not a matter of dancing on roses to find details about Jansen’s products, who also uses the domain to receive email. As before, it is recommended to use salt shakers and low expectations, but if the information is correct, then official channels should soon be able to confirm, for example, the registration of the trademark. Confirmation should appear in the form of real products no later than the beginning of next year when the CES trade fair kicks off – if only the CEC trade fair isn’t something entirely different.

Thinking of buying a speaker or TV with a 3D sticker?