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The double boom in Norway – the authority warns |  Corona Virus

The double boom in Norway – the authority warns | Corona Virus

The current variant contains two mutations in the spike protein – it is officially called E484Q and L452R. It is linked to variants in South Africa and Brazil, and it is a mutation that was discovered in California, respectively, and is believed to make the virus more contagious.

Like all viruses, it is not uncommon for a Coronavirus to mutate. But some changes also increase its ability to spread.

‘Low Vaccine Effect’

According to a statement issued by the Indian health authorities BBC The double mutation has been reported to make it easier for the virus to bypass the immune system and increase the risk of infection.

There is simply a slight increase in the risk of reinfection even if you have undergone the Covid-19 virus and even if you are vaccinated, says Espin Rostrup Nackstad of the Norwegian Health Directorate, the Norwegian equivalent of the National Board of Health and Care to Dagbladet.

It has not been confirmed in Norway before

The Norwegian case was discovered in Bergen. Doubts came on Thursday and on Friday it was confirmed as a double boom in India.

No case has been confirmed in Norway before, according to Line Vold at the Norwegian Infection Control Authority FHI, which also told Bergens Tidende that there are still no indications that the mutation is more contagious than the British, for example.

Elling Ulvestad told Norwegian media that the patient came to Bergen by plane. According to him, the person was isolated and was unable to transmit the infection.

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Also available in the UK

The Indian double boom is found in the UK. There are a total of 73 cases in England and four in Scotland, according to recent figures Sky News Reports on. The newspaper also wrote that it likely had a role in the exponentially increasing spread of infection in India that the country has recently experienced.

The researcher: “We must beware of virus variants.”

Vaccine protection is being investigated against the Brazilian and South African variants.
Read more: The expert: This is how the vaccine affects your body
Read more: Predictions: “The third wave is the last”