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The Council of Cardinals plans to hold its next meeting in April

The Council of Cardinals plans to hold its next meeting in April

Pope Francis and the nine cardinals who are part of the Council of Cardinals, often called “C9,” devoted the last few days’ meeting to the topic of the role of women in the Church, collegiality and evangelization.

Charlotta Smedes – Vatican City

The Holy See Press Office announced on Wednesday that the Council of Cardinals, or “C9,” concluded its session in February and will resume its discussions after Easter.

Pope Francis chaired the session, which was held on February 5 and 7 at the papal residence in Casa Santa Marta, and was attended by C9 advisors and its secretary.

Council of Cardinals

The Council of Cardinals, after the Pope's renewal on March 7, 2023, consists of Cardinals Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State; Fernando Vergés Alzaga, President of the Pontifical Commission of Vatican City and the Government of Vatican City; Fridoline Ambongo Bissongo, Archbishop of Kinshasa; Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay; Sean Patrick O'Malley, Archbishop of Boston; Juan José Omella Omilla, Archbishop of Barcelona; Gerald Lacroix, Archbishop of Quebec; Jean-Claude Hollerich, Archbishop of Luxembourg; Sergio da Rocha, Archbishop of San Salvador de Bahia. The secretary is Monsignor Marco Melino, titular Bishop of Cressima. The first meeting with the new C9 took place on April 24, 2023.

Pope Francis established the council on September 28, 2013, with the mission of helping it administer the universal Church and studying the project to renew the Roman Curia. The Curia was reorganized with the new Apostolic Constitution The predicate Biblepublished on March 19, 2022. The first meeting of the Committee of Nine was held on October 1, 2013.

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Women, conciliarism, evangelism

After reflecting on the role of women in the Church on Monday morning and welcoming their contributions, the discussion continued in the afternoon on the synodal methods of the universal Church.

The women who shared their thoughts with the council were Sister Linda Bucher, professor of Christology and Mariology at the Pontifical College of Auxiliary Pedagogical Sciences in Rome; Juliva di Berardino, ordained member of the Ordo Virginum of Verona, teacher and director of spiritual courses and exercises; And Rev. Dr. Joe Billy Wells, Bishop of the Church of England and Under-Secretary of the Anglican Communion.

Tuesday was devoted to the topic of evangelism, where the heads of the evangelism department met with Msgr. Salvatore Fisichella and Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle submitted a report. .

The council did not meet on Wednesday until the afternoon, while Pope Francis held his general meeting in the morning. The Wednesday afternoon session was an opportunity to continue discussing the various topics of the session, in the presence of the Pope.

The next council meeting is scheduled to be held in April 2024.