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The braverman who was shot bit back bitterly – Chitsvenskan

The braverman who was shot bit back bitterly – Chitsvenskan

Suella Braverman launches a scathing, angry and bitter attack after being fired as Home Secretary.

In his resignation letter, he writes to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak: “You have demonstrably and repeatedly failed” to get all the important issues.

Former UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman.

Photo: Toby Melville

Braverman’s ouster on Monday was not a surprise because he has criticized the police for his views on pro-Palestinian protesters, harsh crackdowns on illegal immigrants and other political issues.

Former Tory leader and former prime minister David Cameron unexpectedly returned as foreign secretary, replacing Conservative leader Sunak Braverman in a reshuffle.



Rejected by majority

On Tuesday, Braverman’s resignation letter to Sunak was published by media company Sky News. After praising his own efforts as Home Secretary, Braverman launches into a preemptive attack on the Prime Minister:

“Despite being rejected by a majority of party members in a vote for new leadership . . . pursue some important issues,” Braverman begins to the prime minister.

Braverman writes that she was “betrayed.”

Among the issues he raises are illegal migration to the UK, the situation in Northern Ireland and gender identity guidelines.

A phalanx like a falcon

Considered to belong to a hawkish right-wing phalanx within the Conservative Party, Braverman later writes that the prime minister is “insecure, erratic and lacking the necessary qualities to lead our country”.

The tone of the letter is in the long British tradition of sharp, pointed and bitter words in formal letters:

“Somebody needs to be honest. Your plan isn’t working,” he writes.

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His party colleague and former leader Chunak did not respond to the letter.