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Sweden should follow the UK and leave the EU

Sweden should follow the UK and leave the EU

It’s time for Sweden to leave the EU, just like Great Britain. A new referendum on EU membership should be held soon.

Swedish politicians have written EU membership into the constitution. It takes the greater part of two mandate periods to reverse the decision before you start withdrawing.

Sweden should leave the EU as full membership is estimated to cost Sweden SEK 40 billion this year, and the cost is expected to rise further in the coming years. It is better to invest this money in poor countries, as well as in Sweden in schools, care and social care.

Swedish politicians should call for a new referendum on the EU. When Sweden voted yes to membership in the 1994 referendum, the union was quite different than it is today.

Former foreign minister Margot Wallström (S) warned about Brexit. Perhaps he feared that EU integration would wreak havoc on the salaries of politicians across the Union. On the other hand, Sweden Democratic Party leader Jimmy Akesson believes that the EU has become a monster.

What we need to work on is for the Swedish people to decide which laws and regulations apply in Sweden. We must stop the transfer of power to Brussels and break the trend of the Union moving away from intergovernmental cooperation towards more and more hegemony and federalism. Swedes should be allowed to take a position on the EU as revealed in a new referendum.

My hope is that many countries, including Sweden, will eventually follow Britain’s lead and demand devolution of power to individual states. If this does not happen, countries will have to consider leaving the Union before the EU becomes the full-fledged federation that some want it to be. Trade and cooperation are certainly one thing, but without political hegemony.

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The EU wants to wrest power from individual countries in as many areas as possible. In this way, people lose the opportunity to influence their own lives, their own daily lives and the future of their own country!

Swexit – Yes, thank you!

Ulrik Petersen, Industrial worker Skillingarid