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Super Tuesday: This is where Nikki Haley could win the primary |  the world

Super Tuesday: This is where Nikki Haley could win the primary | the world

Nikki Haley is lagging behind, but she refuses to give up.

Photo: Adam Davis/EPA

Donald Trump is expected to take a big hit during Super Tuesday.

Photograph: Rebecca Blackwell/AP TT

Now Super Tuesday is here. The day Republicans in 15 US states will vote on who they want to consider as their next presidential nominee.

In all, about a third of the delegates, 865 out of 2,429, are at stake. In order to ultimately win the Republican nomination, at least 1,215 delegates must be obtained.

Donald Trump is far ahead of his only remaining rival: Nikki Haley.

He has, according to APSo far, there are 273 delegates while Haley has 43.

Donald Trump beat Haley

Even if the former president cannot get enough delegates in tonight's polls to reach 1,215, the race still looks very close for Haley. So far, she has won one win in Washington, D.C., while Trump has swept New Hampshire, Michigan, North Dakota, Idaho, Nevada, Iowa, Missouri and South Carolina.

He is expected to hit a grand slam during Super Tuesday as well.

nbc I reviewed the terms of the evening and calculated that Haley could at best get 169 delegates. Then the channel calculates 688 for Trump, and eight unrestricted delegates.

Nikki Haley could win here

And in two states — each with different rules regarding how delegates are distributed — the former governor of South Carolina could take home the victory, NBC writes.

These are Massachusetts and Vermont.

“Vermont may be Haley's best chance for a Super Tuesday victory.”“, writes NBC. That's because the state has no party registration, which in turn means anyone can vote.

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“In theory, there are legions of Trump opponents who do not consider themselves Republicans but could be motivated to vote in the GOP primaries to express their deep hatred for him.”“, writes NBC.

In Vermont, the winner will take home all 17 delegates. The same is true for Massachusetts, which has 40 votes. There, it is believed that Haley has a chance because there is a large percentage of independent voters.

Best case scenario for Trump

The largest states competing on Tuesday are California and Texas, with 169 and 161 delegates, respectively. According to NBC, Trump is expected to take all the delegates in California and the overwhelming majority of them in Texas.

In the best case scenario for Trump, he would get a total of 828 delegates and Haley would get 37, according to NBC's calculations.

Super Tuesday

Super Tuesday, or Super Tuesday, is a Tuesday in February or March of the year in which the presidential election is held in the United States. A large portion of states then hold primaries or nominating elections.

Here are the states where Republicans will head to the polls in 2024:

Alabama: 50 delegates

Alaska: 29 delegates

Arkansas: 40 delegates

California: 169 delegates

Colorado: 37 delegates

Maine: 20 delegates

Massachusetts: 40 delegates

Minnesota: 39 delegates

North Carolina 74 delegates

Oklahoma: 43 delegates

Tennessee: 58 delegates

Texas: 161 delegates

Utah: 40 delegates

Vermont: 17 delegates

Virginia: 48 delegates

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