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Studies confirm the following: An additional dose of Omicron is necessary

Studies confirm the following: An additional dose of Omicron is necessary

Several US studies have shown that a third dose of the Pfizer-Biontech or Coronavina Moderna vaccine provides stronger protection against the omicron variant than only two doses.

The studies published on Friday show similar results to previous studies in Germany, South Africa and the United Kingdom. Those studies indicated that current COVID-19 vaccines are less effective against omicron than previous variants of coronavirus, but also the refill dose significantly improves protection.

The first study that examined hospital admissions in ten US states found that the Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna vaccines were the most effective after three doses at preventing hospitalizations linked to the coronavirus.

Feet stronger protection

Vaccine protection decreased from 94 percent during a delta wave to 82 percent during an omicron wave. Protection from only two doses was lower, especially if six months had passed since the second dose.

The second study focused on confirmed cases and deaths in 25 states from early April to late December. People who received an overdose had the strongest protection against infection with the coronavirus, both during the time when the delta variant was dominant and when the omicron variant took over.

Both studies were published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

No protection at all

The third study, led by CDC researchers and published in the Scientific Journal of the American Medical Association, examined people who tested positive for COVID-19 in the latter half of December last year. The study found that a third dose provided approximately 67 percent protection against omicron-related disease symptoms. However, two doses did not provide significant prevention of symptomatic disease, according to the researchers.

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– It really shows how important it is to have a refill shot, says one of the study authors, Emma Accorsi At the Center for Disease Control.

Symptomatic illness means illness that causes everything from mild to severe symptoms.