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Standard Distribution from the Cancer Foundation – more than 230 projects awarded

Standard Distribution from the Cancer Foundation – more than 230 projects awarded

The Cancer Foundation has decided to distribute SEK 815 million to a large number of projects. The largest allocation to cancer research goes to the Karolinska Institutet.

The distribution decision was made by the fund’s research committee on Tuesday, and means that the cancer fund distributed over SEK 900 million this year, a record. In all, there are approximately 230 different projects that receive funds.

Of the grants now identified, most, 348 million SEK, go to research projects at Karolinska Institutet, while projects at Lund and Uppsala Universities receive 133 million SEK.

List of scholarships awarded is available over here.

The Cancer Foundation highlights three trends in cancer research: precision medicine, artificial intelligence, and the relationship between physical activity and cancer.

It is a great feeling to be able to give a record amount to Swedish cancer research and to so many talented researchers. He says it’s also exciting to see the major trends in cancer research right now class curryChair of the Cancer Foundation Research Committee in a press release.

Distribution across institutions of higher education:

Karolinska Institute348 million Swedish kronor

Lunds University: 133 million Swedish kronor

Uppsala University: 133 million Swedish kronor

University of Gothenburg: 102 million Swedish kronor

Umeå University: 66 million Swedish kronor

Royal Institute of Technology: 14 million Swedish kronor

Linkoping University: 10 million Swedish kronor

Stockholm University: 9 million Swedish kronor

Source: The Cancer Foundation

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