In 2014, Prince Harry created the Invictus Games for Athletes, an event where injured soldiers compete in different sports.When this...
The greatest winner ever in Formula 1 - and now a knight, too. Lewis Hamilton will be honored by the...
A small island in northern England is looking for a new host for a historic siteDo you want to be...
When it comes to thefts of cars and their parts, Sweden is one of the worst affected countries in the...
2022-03-29 16:17 Freeride goes on a ski trip arranged by the company to Austria's Leogang - Which is part of...
The Cheltenham Festival was another huge week in the career of jockey Rachael Blackmore. She had three victories at the...
Wales star Gareth Bale, 32, is expected to leave Real Madrid when his contract expires this summer.There has been speculation...
Over 40 fast-growing kickboxing and mixed martial arts events streamed live on Viaplay Viplay will...
Competitors are investing everything in electric power - but Nissan will continue to sell hybrid cars even after 2030. Nissan...
The Swedish curling team has qualified for the semi-finals of the mixed doubles tournament at the Olympics - with the...