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Soon you will be able to watch TV in the car in the UK.  Until you are still ready to take charge.

Soon you will be able to watch TV in the car in the UK. Until you are still ready to take charge.

There are more “self-driving” vehicles on the roads, which is why the UK decided later this year to allow drivers to watch TV in infotainment mode in self-driving mode until they are ready to drive in autonomous vehicles. To regain control. This is an amendment to a law that has been in effect since 1986, which prohibits drivers behind the wheel of the country from viewing the “television box”.

However, drivers in the country are not yet allowed to use their phones, which was banned last year. If one is approved and the other is not allowed, car manufacturers can develop functions that stop the content from running if the driver is responsible. It has also been decided that insurance companies, not individuals, should be held accountable in more situations than ever before (although it is not clear exactly). The changes are temporary and will apply until completely new rules are introduced by 2025.

Self-driving cars have not yet been legalized in the UK, but officials in the country say they could be by the end of 2022.

Car, self-driving cars,

Autonomous cars, focus, drivers, car driving, TV