Skånetrafiken will update its bus schedules during December 12 and 13. In Skorup municipality, people traveling with line 307 and 305 are the hardest hit.
Bus 307, which runs between Skurup and Ystad along villages north of the E65, has a few departures per day. The two flights departing from Skurup in the morning have been halved to operate only at 06.55.
The flight from Ystad, which departed earlier only at lunchtime, was boosted by the morning bus. However, this is at the expense of 17 buses that will be removed. Which means there are absolutely no buses between 15.15 and 21.15.
Johan Bolinder (M), mayor of Skårup, is unhappy with the way Skånetrafiken has handled her communications and says the municipality has not been notified of the changes that will happen.
– We have not been informed of the detailed changes in the municipality. In general, regardless of whether there are changes in bus or train traffic, we note that Skånetrafiken’s connections are unsatisfactory.
Johan Bolinder.
Photo: Archive
At the same time, he believes the problem is bigger than the company’s connection with too little information.
– It may not matter much what Skånetrafiken contacts. I think we need to move away from this one-way communication and start talking to each other about how we can develop public transportation in the best way. We want to see better and older dialogue where we have the opportunity to influence changes where they are more responsive.
‘Increasing focus on urban areas’
He understands that the pandemic can cause problems for public transportation, but notes that rural residents also need to go to work and school.
– As I see it, they’ve gained more urban focus than ever as they mostly look at the number of commuters leaving. Then they clear the departures in the country and take another bus in Malmö, although the job is larger in the countryside.
Skånetrafiken’s side explains the discounts by saying that it’s hard to maintain flights without many passengers.
– We have removed these departing flights along Line 307 due to the incredibly low number of passengers. Ystad’s departure at 17.15 averaged two riders and it’s insane that they are too few to drive. Partly it costs money, but it’s also not good for the environment, says Fredrik Scheele, unit manager for planning at Skånetrafiken.
He says the airline is constantly reviewing the number of passengers on different departures and that the image they get is key to how they plan that schedule.
Fredrik Scheele is the Planning Unit Manager at Skånetrafiken.
Photo: private
Not consistent with the image of urban focus
Friedrich Scheele counters the criticism that Skånetrafiken has acquired too much urban focus.
– No, I don’t think we have. We make many different investments in the countryside, including on the extensions between Lund and Simrishamn. We are making these changes so that we can invest in other rounds in the same geographic area. He adds that there is also an ongoing dialogue with municipalities about the changes.
Frederick Scheele realizes that the southeastern municipalities are not satisfied with the way the communication has looked and explains that they are working to improve dialogue.
– I understand that there are opinions from these municipalities that the dialogue was not enough, and this is something we are working on.
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