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Screen-free existence can give you a longer life

Screen-free existence can give you a longer life

Stay as far from the screen as possible.

This is according to a group of researchers from the University of Oregon who have Investigation How are metabolites in banana flies affected by blue light.

Metabolites are part of our metabolism. They help ensure that the body can break down and convert chemical compounds like food or medicines into other substances we need to stay healthy.

The study found that banana flies that lived in the dark lived longer than banana flies exposed to blue light.

Although the banana fly was exposed to a more intense level of blue light than we do in our daily lives, researchers believe that the light from a screen could have the same effect on humans.

To see how blue light affected the flies, the researchers examined metabolites in the heads of banana flies after the flies were exposed to blue light.

The light caused a specific imbalance in two types of metabolites in banana flies exposed to blue light.

Among other things, increasing the amount of succinate, which helps cells in the body to function and grow.

While this may sound positive, researcher Jadwiga Giebultowicz explains that an elevated level of succinate after exposure to blue light is like “having gasoline at the pump but never reaching the tank,” as the substance was freely floating in the body and not active. Used for cell regeneration.

In addition, there was a decrease in the glutamate metabolite, which helps ensure good connections between neurons in the brain.

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