Emma Spaak, SKR's chief of health care, said a shortage of care settings could lead to patient safety risks. In...
His grandmother was bedridden with muscle aches. Howling could be heard through the wall. She claimed that nothing helps. But...
Women and men share largely the same risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This is evidenced by...
In the annual report of the Maternal Health Unit, significant differences emerge between the problems experienced by pregnant women, which...
picture: Title: Sumitra Mohanty. Photo: Johannes Frandsen In the near future, we plan to further deepen our studies of the...
Between two and ten percent of adults in Sweden suffer from atopic eczema, a skin disease that causes the skin...
It is very common for people with ADHD to have other psychiatric diagnoses or physical health problems. Among other things,...
picture: Title: Jiangui Sun, a postdoctoral researcher at Karolinska Institutet. Photo: Lin Lee. The researchers noted no link between infection...
What is the Sugar Really, what distinguishes sugar from starch?! What is happening inside the body Which makes a lot...
The study is based on data from people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis during the...