Emma Spaak, SKR’s chief of health care, said a shortage of care settings could lead to patient safety risks. In an interview with Läkartidningen newly. At the same time, she emphasized that the issue of nursing place is complex, because the number of places has also decreased as a result of informed decisions.

The interview caused a reaction from the hospital doctors. in open letter Sent to all lay members of the SKR Board of Directors, the Syndicate Council writes that hospital and SKR physicians’ perceptions of reality differ fundamentally. An example of this is the perception of the lack of care places that have been referred to as The biggest problem in the work environment in the work environment survey in the Medical Syndicate: “The focus of your speech so far has been how places of care could instead become less.

However, the association is pleased with Emma Spaak’s statement that “employers and the profession need to work together to find common solutions.”

“We are pleased to work with you and the regions to find long-term and constructive solutions to the problems of the Swedish health care system. In order for us to be successful in this business, it is essential that we find a common description of reality,” wrote Chair Ellen Carlson, representing The State of the Board.

Among other things, she hopes to have a constructive dialogue with SKR about how to find the resources and working methods that enable quality care regardless of the level of care. In the open letter, the hospital’s doctors also demand an answer to the question of how SKR as an employer organization can improve the work environment and ensure continuing education.

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Read also: SKR: Shortage of care places means ‘concrete risk’ to patient safety