picture: Title: breast cancer. Illustration: Getty Images (SciePro) Mammography screening is used for early detection of breast cancer through a...
picture: Title: Helena Rolandsdotter. Photo: Marie Soler Collaboration in this type of basic clinical research is of great importance. We...
A year ago, the National Board of Health and Care published the National Obesity Care Guidelines for the first time....
This is the sender.Opinions are the author's.During the spring, we from Ek21c in Wargentinskolan investigated the air quality of Östersund...
Do you know what is the best thirst quencher? We can tell right away that it's not about water -...
Katherine has always had well functioning skin and never had impure skin, eczema or other issues. Suddenly, she developed eczema...
There is great potential here to develop great ideas and interdisciplinary projects with many researchers Why do you want to...
When the root of a tooth is exposed, not only does the appearance change. Teeth can also become hypersensitive to...
External link: Read more about the air purifier Sleep is vital. It's your brain's way of getting rid of waste...
Age changes, weight loss, and genetic conditions can all lead to excess fat and skin on the eyelids. By permanently...