Suffering from dementia is a great grief. Whether for the person who contracts the disease or for the family and...
picture: Title: Theophanis Tsifis, PhD student at the Department of Clinical Geriatrics, NVS. Image: private. In recent years, there have...
The Vastmanland region offers women born between 1994-1999 free vaccination against HPV, HPV, as part of a national project aimed...
picture: Title: Home Parents with ADHD From research to useIn order to access knowledge from research projects, KIND cooperates with...
picture: Title: From left: Amit Kumar, Research Specialist; Miriam Scarpa, Postdoctoral Fellow and Agneta Nordberg, Professor in the Department of...
In a study conducted on behalf of Karolinska University Hospital, the HPV vaccine is offered free of charge to all...
Prolonged pain after childbirth is common. One in six women experience persistent pain, and one in five experience pain during...
Professor Emeritus Kjell Asplund, who a few years ago wrote the book “Foskarna”. Photo: Christer StormarkAfter delving into the topic...
When someone with an eating disorder shakes off their clinical diagnosis, many feel it They are still far from healthy....
Along with the north And abstinence organisations, Muvindi is organizing a conference on alcohol-related sustainability in Stockholm in May. -...