This weekend, Comic Con is taking place in Kistamässan. In honor of the weekend, player group Team ProPain has built a Casket Gallery, inside and out, into Minecraft.
Comic Con Stockholm is a popular geek culture festival held in Kistamässan. Here you can learn about your idols, shop for art and collectibles, play games, and dress up as your favorite characters, such as cosplay.
It is a community characterized by creativity and unwavering enthusiasm. Some costume designers have been working on their costumes for years, hoping that it will pay off at the Comic Con costume contest.
An example of this commitment is the gaming team Team ProPain. They worked for months to recreate Comic Con in Kistamässan in Minecraft.
Small entrance can take more than 2 hours
Robert Salinius is one of the group. He, like most members of the ProPain team, lives in Strängnäs. But he’s been to Comic Con in Kistamässan before, and to some extent managed to use his memories of the place during construction.
We’ve been sitting for three months on Discord (a chat program) browsing satellite images and Google Street View. He says a small entry can take more than two hours.
The checkered floor in the exhibition rooms was particularly time consuming. Another challenge was making the bend along the Arne Beurling square at the correct scale.
– The idea at first was to do only Kistamässan, not the surroundings. But we always want to do more.
Robert Salinius, center, with Marco Alesch (right) and Burnt Eric Sandnes (left) of ProPain team sponsor SureFire.
The ProPain team is not afraid of challenges. They run Minecraft on the console, building one button after another. It becomes a very precise process, unlike players who, using the computer, can automatically fill large areas with commands.
Sometimes you wonder what the hell are we doing
Robert Salinius believes that the level of ambition makes them more famous. The gang was able to showcase their builds at other major fairs, such as Dreamhack and NärCon.
But sometimes you wonder what the hell we’re doing, says Robert Salinius.
Yesterday, on the first day of Comic Con, the Coffin Fair model was shown on two big screens before a cosplay competition, in a crowded auditorium.
How do you feel when you see your creativity like this?
– I’m very proud. It’s too big, says Robert Salinius.
Robert Salinius and others from the ProPain team in the front row during a cosplay competition.
Maria Boden
In the future, the Coffin Fair can be visited in Minecraft. First, Team ProPain wants to have time to fix more. But in the pictures below and in project trailer Is it possible to see more construction.
Participants in the cosplay competition. -
The cosplayer HammerForge presents himself to the jury.
“Entrepreneur. Freelance introvert. Creator. Passionate reader. Certified beer ninja. Food nerd.”
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