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Real Finns suggest not trusting the entire government

Real Finns suggest not trusting the entire government

The government’s tough framework negotiations, which ended last week, have sparked intense discontent among the opposition. As a result of the negotiations, both the questioning and the request for censure are now awaiting the government.

The three opposition parties Samlingspartiet, Kristdemokraterna and Rörelse Nu come with a joint questioning.

The reason is that the parties are not satisfied with the outcome of the government’s framework negotiations.

The parties consider that the employment measures and economic decisions taken by the government in connection with the negotiations are not sufficient. In addition, the parties criticize the government’s budget overrun in the coming years.

Decisions after the framework negotiations are dangerous for Finland’s future well-being. The head of the National Coalition Party said that, as a responsible opposition, we have no alternative but to resort to the most powerful trick, that is, to come out with an interrogation. Petri Urbo During a press conference on Wednesday.

“A greater role should have been given to the Ministry of Finance.”

According to Orbo, the Central Alliance party expected the negotiations to return to the budget framework after the exceptions stopped.

But the government announced that the budget will exceed 900 million next year and 500 million the following year.

The opposition also wanted to see a clear plan for how to successfully curb Finland’s growing indebtedness. In addition, the party believes that the government did not adequately take into account the Ministry of Finance in the negotiations.

– Urbo said it is risky to follow this road and no one knows where it leads.

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Second Vice President of the Parliamentary Group of the Christian Democrats sari tanus He said it looks like the government is going through crazy days now.

“It seems that according to the government, all the problems of the state can only be solved by increasing the national debt,” she said.

The Christian Democrats believe that Finland now needs stronger employment measures and decisions that increase the purchasing power of Finns and strengthen public finances. According to the party, the main measures for this will be, among other things, the strengthening of more local agreements, the renewal of the social protection system, and the expansion of the daily income-related allowance.

Also the head of the movement now Harry Harkimo It was on the same track. Harkimo said the framework negotiations gave him a new look.

In terms of negotiations, I learned the worst lesson of what politics can be. I really thought the center was ready to negotiate and leave the government if decisions were not made. that do not work.

distrust of the government

For its part, the opposition True Finns party announced that it does not agree with the questioning because it cannot sign all the opinions represented by Samlingspartiet.

According to True Finns, the coalition party, like the government, is in favor of significantly increasing labor migration, and True Finns do not want to support this.

Like other opposition parties, True Finns also believe that the government appears to be following a recipe for increased indebtedness and higher taxes to save the country’s economy.

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Instead of joining the questioning, the real Finns now choose not to trust the entire government.