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Qleanair earnings increase: ‘It has a high level of activity’

Qleanair earnings increase: ‘It has a high level of activity’

Qleanair, which provides indoor air purification solutions, reports a profit after tax of SEK 16.2 million for the third quarter of 2021 (9.0). Earnings per share were 1.10 Swedish crowns (0.61).

The result was the operation SEK 24.8 million (17.8%) and the operating margin was 22.6% (17.0%).

Net sales amounted to 110 million Swedish kronor (105). The number of installed units was 10,980 (9,406).

The number of applications received was 89.9 million Swedish kronor (69.8).


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Today’s evolution
He notes that the uncertain situation in the world as well as the turmoil in the global markets with rising material prices, transportation costs and shortage of components, affect the company and make the process of selling more difficult.

Likewise ours Working with the supply chain and with our production partners is more challenging and requires a lot of focus and hard work in our teams and with our partners during the third quarter. We see the disruptions continuing through parts of 2022,” wrote Christina Lindstedt, CEO.

She continues: “We have a high level of activity in the company and expect that the growing awareness of the importance of quality in indoor air will continue to contribute to the increased demand for air purification. Our growth strategy remains unchanged, focusing on developing and growing our new product categories, Facility Solutions and Room Solutions, and maintaining our strong position in Cabin Solutions.”

Qleanair continues to see good growth opportunities in all of its markets, with the company’s cleanroom solutions in the United States, utility and room solutions in Europe and cabin and utility solutions in Japan.

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“We see an opportunity To increase the level of penetration within existing customer segments and further develop new customer segments and markets. We will continue to expand our business geographically and we will continue to invest in innovation, in our brand and in our organization,” the CEO writes.