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Place Partnerships |  England Sports

Place Partnerships | England Sports

Do you work somewhere where you are trying to influence and enact change that will support communities to live active, healthier lives?

Are you looking for practical methods, models and tools that can help support this change?

Our “Putting It into Action” resource commemorates some of the methods, models and tools that places have used to:

  • Identify relationships, chart progress and identify gaps
  • Include sports and physical activity in the system and determine the change
  • Developing community vision and understanding.

You will be guided through each tool to explain why to use it, how to use it, and with whom.

You'll also find examples of how the tool was put into practice, the partners who participated in the process, its impact, and what people learned along the way.

How can I find what I'm looking for?

The full resource can be found below, and tThe sections of this resource are organized by what we have found to be some practical actions for system change.

One of the best ways to navigate this resource is to start with the questions you find yourself asking about the work.

Take a look at the full list of questions below, find the ones you've been asking yourself and dive into this section to take a look at some of the methods, tools and models that have been tested and developed in places.

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