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Peg Parnevik’s love letter |  Tramsfrance

Peg Parnevik’s love letter | Tramsfrance

Photo: Jerker Iverson

No one can miss all the writing of spring About Philip Lambrecht and Big Barnivik’s relationship About a month ago, news broke that the couple had ended after so many happy years together, but since then a lot has already happened!

I miss the podcast pillow Peg Parnevik has spoken that there is a new love in her life, but not everyone appreciated how fast she was moving forward. Among other things, Paige told thousands of people followed her When she posted a picture of a kiss of herself and new love, and that it was so perverted that strangers have opinions because they don’t know what really happened.

In the last episode of Pillowtalk Paige and Penny talking about the concept”flame twins‘, who can best be described as a kind of soul mate! In this section, Peg says the following.

“We can go on, and I won’t give up too much. I can talk about who I think is my twin flame, but I won’t, because you don’t want to hear it anyway. Or…? No. No, I’ll leave it like that. I think I actually got my twin flame” .

It feels really optimistic and positive That peg met his twin soul! The most common thing people say when you meet someone new after a long relationship is that it’s just what it’s called “recoveryAnd a no-demanding temporary fling, but if you interpret Peg’s daemon statement correctly, it’s something completely different.

Paige said this week that’s it “ready to explainAnd she won’t give much information about her private life anymore. Thus, it is unclear when there will be more information about the new love, so for now we have to deal with the news that he might be her twin. Cupid has fired his arrows at celebrity Sweden again, and a sequel is likely to follow!

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