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SMHI: The weather changes again – then rain moves across the country

Unsettled weather is expected after the heat wave ends.

Many Swedes are currently enjoying good weather.

In many parts of the country, the days are expected to be very hot and sunny.

However, the heat wave may not last as long as some had hoped.

On Tuesday morning, SMHI will issue an announcement regarding this.

First it warms up

As you know, this week is usually hot.

– Mostly sunny weather and 25 degrees are expected, with temperatures of 25-30 degrees in eastern areas, SMHI emphasizes.

Then comes the rain

Over the weekend, more unsettled weather and later showers are expected in Sweden.

– Partly cloudy skies are expected over most parts of the country on Thursday and Friday, possibly with some localized rain, SMHI reports.

– During Friday, it appears that a more coherent area of ​​rain will move into the southwestern parts of the country, and then the heat will decrease during the weekend.

“across the country”

SMHI admits that the forecast is not entirely certain, but that rain will move across Sweden by the weekend.

– A noted front with rain looks set to pass across the country during the day on Friday and Saturday, followed by slightly cooler weather.

Direct information

The warm and fine weather did not end for several days, however, with temperatures ranging from 25 to 30 degrees in some places from Tuesday, SMHI said.

– From Tuesday, the maximum daily temperature is expected to be between 25 and 30 degrees. Applies to inner and eastern Sveland, northeastern Gotland and Kavleborg, and southern Westernorland.

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– May indicate increased stress on the body, which can cause problems especially for risk groups.

In this regard, the risk of fire spread has also increased and the public has been requested to be more careful regarding fire accidents.

– Risk of forest and wildfires is high or very high. For example, SMHI explains that forest fires can easily be caused by ignition, sparks from machinery or lightning strikes.

– Great care should be taken when burning outdoors, fire bans often apply.

Photograph: A. Pingol

Text: Compilers